Monday, April 27, 2009

Impromptu trip to B-ham!

It was anther sunny day today! We decided to get Olivia up to see the tulips now that they are in full bloom. We were so close to Bellingham, we couldn't resist driving just a tiny bit more and see Mary's brother Truong. What a fun day! Olivia oooohed and aaaahed over the huge field of flowers, then we went to a seafood chowder cook off. Here are two pictures from our day. The rest are in Our Recent Pictures. Olivia in the tulip fields
At the chowder cook off: Andre, Truong, Nathan, Mary, & Olivia

Saturday, April 25, 2009

A garden for Olivia

This month, Olivia is learning about growing things at preschool and we decided it would be fun to have a garden. The dirt in our yard is like concrete with big rocks mixed in, so we decided to do a raised garden bed. Andre did a terrific job building the box out of untreated cedar and filling it with topsoil and compost. Olivia was so excited to start planting! We can't wait to see things grow!

The box is built and getting filled with dirt

Andre is turing into such a handyman!
Thanks daddy! You're the best!
Ready for the seeds! We are planting peas, carrots, beets, some flowers and tomatoes.
Put the peas right here...

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hey look! It's the crazy antics of the Ciabattari's!

Here's some pictures from the last few weeks. Some are goofy, some are serious. Can you tell which ones are which? Just two seconds earlier, Olivia was singing and eating chicken nuggets. It suddenly got quiet and I turned around and saw her like this. Notice she is still holding the chicken nugget in her hand! (and no, I did NOT take this picture going 70 on the freeway...I waited until I was going 25 on a residential street...)
Little man! When will you start crawling?
Sitting like a big boy!
Enjoying his free prime rib from The Keg for his B-day!
Is this the "good" picture, or the "goofy" picture?
We're not being silly!
Olivia, PUH-LEASE smile pretty for the camera?
Yes, the two hour wait to see Dora was totally worth it to see the excitement on Olivia's face when she FINALLY got to her. (No, I'm serious. Not being sarcastic at all. Would totally do it again. Would wait THREE hours if we had to...yes, it IS the REAL Dora the Explorer herself!)
Dolphin face painting!
Decked out for the 'DA BEARS!
Nathan told daddy what to wear so they would match for Easter
Ready to hit the slopes!
Don't EVEN mess with me right now...

Friday, April 3, 2009


We finally finished unpacking from Disneyland today and I posted all the pics under "Our Recent Pictures" if you want to see them all. We flew into LAX on Saturday afternoon (3/21) and stayed at the house of an old college roommate of Andre's (Thanks Bill!). On Sunday we visited with another one of Andre's college buddies Rick, his wife Kim, and met their little daughter Brooke. Monday morning we left Corona and headed down to San Diego where Olivia got to feed some seals and see Shamu at Seaworld. We stopped at Mission Beach on our way out and Olivia and Andre ran around in the sand for awhile. We got to Disneyland a little after noon on Tuesday and closed the place down with Tony, who Andre's known since elementary school, his wife Christy and two kids Joey and Anna. Wednesday was spent at California adventures. We were really happy to hang out in the California sun before leaving Thursday afternoon and returning to winter conditions in good old Snoqualmie. The highlights of the trip included catching up with old friends, eating In and Out Burger at least once a day, and seeing Olivia's face light up when she saw something particularly exciting. Nathan of course was the PERFECT little traveler, and we can't wait to go to Disneyland again when he is older!
Olivia feeds the seals at Seaworld.Group photo at Disneyland! California Adventures

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Nathan Four Month Appt.

Nathan had his four month doctor's appointment yesterday. He weighs 17 lbs. 13 oz. which puts him the ninety-fifth percentile, and is 27" long (ninety-seventh percentile). Just for reference, at Olivia's four month, she weighed 13.7 lbs, and was 24" long... Our little man!