Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Olivia's Dance Recital June 20Th 2009

Olivia had her dance recital last Saturday. Here are some pictures! I haven't had a chance to check if the video turned out yet, but I will post it if it turned out ok. She had so much fun and LOVES the stage. She did a tap number to "Stepping out with my baby". Strike a pose!
Waiting to go onstage.
Tap, tap, TAP!
I hope I'm doing this right...
Dancing her little heart away...Isn't she adorable?
She was so excited that Daddy got her flowers!
With mommy.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Nathan's six month doc appt.

Nathan had his six month appt and is growing like a weed and healthy. He weighs in at 20lbs 8 3/4 oz (90th percentile) and is 28 1/4" long (97th percentile). Olivia at 6 mos was 15lbs 10 1/2oz (50th percentile) and was 27" long (97th percentile).
Olivia at 6 Months Nathan at 6 months