Friday, September 25, 2009

Olivia's debut concert!

We were at Andre's work for an event and they had ROCKAROAKE where you can sing with a live band and back-up singers. Olivia thought it was time for her to make her stage debut, so she signed up to sing Taylor Swift's "Picture to Burn". She had so much fun! The quality of the video isn't the best because we used our phone. What do you think? Do we have a future diva on our hands?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Olivia starts her second year at Preschool!

So on 09-09-09, Olivia started her second year of Preschool. She was so excited!She struck this pose all by herself!

Out on the front porch on a beautiful September day.Daddy, this is going to be the best day EVER!Olivia is in the house and ready to learn!

Summer Recap!

Yet another summer has flown by and we can't believe it's September already! We know we haven't posted anything since July 4th, so for everyone who keeps reminding us to update our blog, here's a quick summary of our summer adventures:

It was hot, we drove a lot, we had lots of

Well, what do you expect? We've been busy! Between Olivia's second ballet recital, Andre's 20 year high school reunion in Kennewick, a great week in Montana, a quick drive up to Whistler for Crankworx, and some Spokane trips squeezed in here and there, it's a wonder we had time to listen to Olivia sing all her favorite Taylor Swift songs word for word, notice Nathan's three new teeth and realize he weighs more at nine months than Olivia did at two years, enjoy watching Olivia put "princess" crowns on her little brother and exclaim "AWW! BABY GIRL!" to him, and have the whole family crack up when Nathan belly laughs at Olivia's antics!
We've posted pictures of Summer 2009 in the "Our Recent Pictures" link!